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About St. Joseph Catholic School

Message from the Principal,

Michelle Hombs St. Joseph Catholic School Principal

Michelle Hombs
St. Joseph Catholic School Principal

Welcome to St. Joseph School. Opening in 1885, our small but mighty school is rich in the traditions of faith, learning, and community. I am grateful to be a part of this school through the many different roles of parishioner, student, alumni, teacher and now principal.

The strong support and commitment of the school families, parish and community gives evidence that our school is loved. We, the staff, parents, and parish, work diligently to provide our students opportunities to grow academically, spiritually, emotionally, and physically to reach their full potential.

The elementary years are critical for laying the foundation and in the development of the values, skills, and morals necessary for life. That is why we strive daily to provide a quality Catholic education for our students.

This website has been developed to enable everyone to become familiar with our school, its policies, and procedures. I encourage you to reach out and learn how special St. Joseph School really is.

Michelle Hombs

St. Joseph Catholic School Faculty

Mrs. Michelle Hombs - Principal
Ms. Sheri Arens - Secretary
Mrs. Shirley Harby - Pre-K & Kindergarten
Ms. Kaitlyn Thomas - Grades 1 & 2
Mrs. Nicki Poindexter - Grades 3 & 4
Mrs. Tammy Angel - Grades 5 & 6
Ms. JoVeta Deimeke- Grades 7 & 8
Dr. Juanita Willingham -Resource Teacher Mrs. Beth Cochran-Primary Aide
Extended Care: Ms. Cheryl Robinson, Meya Steffen

School Advisory Council

President: Ryan Robnett
Dawn Miller
Katie Swaim

Dawn Miller
Keith Deimeke
Jay Robnett

Advisory Council Meeting Minutes

Most Recent Advisory Council Minutes (PDF)

Home & School Organization

President: Tessa Barnett
Liz Freie
Beth Cochran
Treasurer: Mandy Cope

Home & School Meeting Minutes

Most Recent H&S Minutes (PDF)

School Information and Required Forms

The 2024-2025 school year runs from August 20, 2024, to May 14, 2025, Tuesday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 3:40 p.m.

The forms and documents below are in PDF format. To view them, you will need to use Adobe Acrobat Reader or a similar program. A free copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader is available here.

Mission and Philosophy Statement

24-25 School Calendar

Authorized Driver Form

24-25 Dress Code Policy

24-25 Extended Care Handbook

ACH Debit Payment Authorization Form

2023 MSHSAA Physical Form

Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Compliant Procedures

24-25 School Supply List

24-25 Student/Parent Handbook

24-25 Technology and Internet Handbook

St. Joseph Catholic School, Martinsburg, Missouri

School Location

St. Joseph School
401 E. Kellett Street
Martinsburg, MO 65264-2011



PK/K students in front of some of their artwork which was on display for the Feast of St. Joseph, March 19th.

Catholic School Week, January 26-31, 2025

2024-2025 School Year

Newsletter and Current Events

Current Newsletter
Current Events

Contact the School